SC Workers’ Compensation

Maximizing your Workers Compensation Benefits in South Carolina

Our South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyers can help you navigate the bureaucratic elements of the system and make sure you receive the benefits you need to pay for medical expenses – including hospital and rehabilitation services – and medication and travel.

How It Works

Payments are made for temporary total disability in an amount determined by a percentage of the worker’s wage (usually two-thirds) but are subject to a weekly cap. In South Carolina, that cap is currently about $700, and payments can continue for up to 500 weeks.

The determination of percentage of disability is an administrative function in South Carolina. Doctors determine the percentage of impairment. The South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission determines the percentage of disability based on factors such as age, past work experience and educational level.

Partial disability (partial income loss) is figured based on an employee’s past and current wages, subject to the maximum amount, with a maximum payout time of 340 weeks.

Employees who suffer permanent injury to a body part or parts may be paid compensation based on the percentage of disability to the body parts affected. In some instances, you may also be entitled to future medical expenses for life.

Permanent and total disability in South Carolina entitles a worker to an award of 500 weeks of compensation, minus temporary total benefits paid, and lifetime medical benefits.

Consult with a Lawyer to Get the Support You Need

At Lee Law Offices, P.A., we do everything we can to ensure you get the support you need during these stressful and difficult times. We offer free consultations, so contact us today to learn more about your benefits and right after being injured on the job.

Fill Out Form For A Free Consultation.

Office Location

Principal Office:

649 Southport Rd, Roebuck, SC 29376

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2229, Spartanburg, SC 29304

See All Locations

Toll Free: 800-887-1965

Phone: 864-577-0977

Fax: 864-577-9661