Vehicle Accidents

Car Accidents

Being involved in a car crash is a traumatic event in anyone’s life. It’s difficult enough to focus on recovery without having to also deal with insurance companies. Yet some things are time-sensitive in traffic accidents, and they can’t wait. Frequently, drivers are unaware of what facts the insurance companies may require before they will settle.

Get the Representation You Need

At Lee Law Offices, we have spent decades helping people recover from serious injury or loss after a car accident. Experienced car accident lawyer know about the hospital bills, the sometimes inadequate or nonexistent insurance, and the quick and often inadequate settlement offers that insurance companies often send to you.

Many insurance adjusters even try to get the victim to sign a release before the extent of their injuries are known.

Determining your rights after an auto accident can be a complicated and intimidating process. A number of factors can leave the at-fault party and his or her insurance company open to increased liability.

The attorneys at Lee Law Offices are on your side in this matter, and we’ll make sure you understand your options and help you receive fair and quick compensation.

Experienced Help When You Need It

You can work with a qualified car accident lawyer to get the support and guidance you need throughout this difficult time.

We can help you investigate the cause of your accident, determine the extent of your injuries, and get you the compensation you deserve.

How We Work

When you work with us, you will be connected with an auto accident lawyer who can help you determine the insurance available, including coverage of the at-fault driver, coverage of other insured vehicles in his or her household, and even help recover damages from your own uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.

We’re on Your Side

Insurance companies hire attorneys to limit their potential losses from an insured accident. At Lee Law Offices, P.A., we are dedicated to ensuring that Carolinians also have the legal representation they need to protect their rights.

Our accident attorneys are solely focused on helping you get the maximum compensation available after an accident. We don’t work for insurance companies. Our only concern is you. We work hard to recover damages for lost wages, pain and suffering, permanent impairment, scars, and compensation for future health and financial consequences of the accident.

What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do For You?

Our car accident lawyers can help you navigate these unfamiliar waters. Contacting our attorneys as soon as you have received emergency services will ensure that your case is handled promptly and thoroughly.  

Our attorneys are well versed in the fine details of insurance policies and can advise you of your legal rights regarding your accident. We collect no money until your claim is settled. We will take on all of the legal details, leaving you free to focus on getting better.

Determining Fault in Auto Accidents

Usually, the investigating officer will make an accident report which summarizes what he or she thinks happened in the accident, including who he or she feels was at fault. However, this is not the final word as to what actually occurred. The other driver may give their insurance company a different version of events, so regardless of what the police officer or highway patrolman says, the other insurance company may dispute or deny entirely your injury claim. This is a major reason you should speak with an attorney as soon as possible following an accident, and certainly before giving any kind of statement to the other insurance company.

Common Car Crash Injuries

The most common injuries after a car accident are neck and back pain. A spine injury can come with a host of symptoms. It may become difficult to move your neck, remain seated, or stand for long periods at a time and can even cause changes to your personality. Whether the accident has caused a neck or back injury, you will require a medical assessment to determine your injuries’ kind and severity. A few of the injuries common in motor vehicle accidents are:

  •  Traumatic head injuries

  •  Damage to the eyes

  •  Neck and spinal cord injuries

  • Sprains and strains

  •  Broken bones

  •  Internal organ damage

  •  Burn injuries

Types of Car Accident Compensation

There are many ways an auto accident can impact your life. These include:

  • Job loss

  • Pain and suffering

  • Out-of-pocket costs (mileage to and from medical appointments, etc.)

  • Medical bills 

  • (Rarely) punitive damages

  • Insurance deductibles and reimbursement of health insurance or Medicaid/Medicare

Car Accident Statistics

The statistics for car accident injury cases are astounding and show the necessity of having a car accident attorney. The following statistics are for North Carolina in 2017:

  • Auto accidents have been named the primary cause of death in the 3-34-year-old range.

  • Your chances of dying in a car crash are lower than in the past, but car crashes remain a leading cause of preventable death

  • 170 pedestrians died as a result of driver distraction.

  • 144 motorcyclists died, and 3419 were injured.

  • 1,396 people died in car accidents, and 127,964 were injured. 

In terms of financial loss, according to the NCDOT:

  •  A fatality – $10,462,000.00 

  •  A severe injury – $590,000.00 

  •  A minor injury – $27,600.00 

  •  Property damage – $7,000.00 

  •  The average cost of a crash – $99,000.00 

In South Carolina, statistics show over 800 car crash deaths per year. The CDC has determined that South Carolina has a “serious public health problem” regarding auto safety practices.

You Can Prevent Some Car Accidents

Accident prevention should be a priority for everyone. Whether or not you own a car, you can still take action to prevent a pedestrian-car accident. For pedestrians, it is pretty basic. In a car wreck involving a pedestrian, the pedestrian is going to lose. As a pedestrian, situational awareness is vital to be safe on the streets with automobiles. Do not get distracted by the phone, an argument, or music, or you may require a car wreck attorney. For those who do drive a car, the same admonishment holds for you. Observe all traffic laws; they are there for the safety of all. Wear your seatbelt, avoid looking at your phone, and pay attention to what is happening in front of you. Nobody wants to need a car accident attorney. 

Car Accident FAQs:

Should I file a police report after my accident?

Yes! Always file a police report. You should call the police immediately, get a medical evaluation, and do not speak with anyone regarding the accident. Contact a car accident lawyer to advise you on what you should and should not say. Never admit or imply fault to the police, the other party, or their attorney. 

Who’s at fault in my car accident?

North and South Carolina have different laws regarding fault in a motor vehicle accident. When the other party admits 100% fault, each state is fairly similar. However, if there is even an allegation that you were partially at fault for an accident, North Carolina law could work to bar your claim altogether. In either case, whether your accident happened in North or South Carolina, you should consult with an experienced car accident attorney before speaking with the insurance company.

What will my car insurance cover after an accident?

That is an excellent question and is the very reason why you need an experienced car crash lawyer. The right car accident law firm can determine what your insurance may be obligated to pay you, even if you were not at fault in the wreck.

I might be somewhat to blame for my accident. Could this affect the outcome of my car accident case?

Your attorney will be better able to make that determination than you. Emotions can run very high after a car wreck. You have adrenaline running through you, making everything somewhat surreal, affecting how you perceive the accident. Your first response is usually to check and make sure everybody in your car is OK. Then, frequently you run to the other vehicle to see if anyone is hurt. You tend to blurt out, “I’m so sorry, is everyone OK?” Do not assume blame. The better response will be, “Is everyone OK? I’m contacting the police to make sure everyone gets checked out.”

I was involved in a car accident. The other driver was at fault. His insurance company wants to send me a settlement check right away. Should I take it?

No. Do not even discuss money until your accident attorney has had a chance to review your case. The insurance company is not in business to be compassionate. They want to make money, so they will try to settle for as little as possible. They may act friendly and seem concerned for you, but the bottom line is they are in it for the money.

I was severely injured in an auto accident a couple of years ago. My life has been so crazy that I have not thought about hiring an attorney until now. Can I still file?

North and South Carolina have statutes of limitations that allow three years to file a bodily injury claim, with certain important exceptions involving government vehicles. When there is a fatality, the status of limitations is 2 years in North Carolina and 3 years in South Carolina.

What is the dollar amount I will be able to get in a lawsuit over my car accident?

Every case is different. That is why you should speak with an experienced car accident attorney regarding the value of your claim.

How can I protect all of my rights after being in a car wreck?

The car accident attorney works with you to protect all of your rights. When making your statement to law enforcement, it’s best to stick to the facts and leave anything that may incriminate you out of that dialogue. Save your speculations and concerns for your confidential talk with your car accident lawyer.

I haven’t been able to return to work since my car accident. How can I afford to hire a lawyer?

We work on a contingent fee basis, which essentially means “no recovery, no fee.”

What do Car Accident Lawyers do?

Car accident lawyers specialize in accidents that specifically involve automobiles, motorcycles, all types of trucks, and mopeds. Our foremost priority is to get you the maximum amount possible from your case. 

Should I Move My Car After an Accident?

If you are not blocking traffic and aren’t in danger, it is best to leave your car where it is. The police can learn a lot about what happened if the vehicles remain where they are after a collision. If you are impeding traffic, take pictures of the cars’ positions. Photograph any skid marks, damage to cars, and relevant street signs (such as one-way signs). This information may be helpful if the responsibility for an accident is disputed.

Should I Notify My Insurance Company?

By law, you have to report your accident to your insurance company. However, do not agree to a recorded conversation. Sometimes what you mean to say and what you say are not the same. It is much better if you contact us first. That way, we can assist you in that conversation. 

What Should I Tell Insurance Companies After a Car Accident?

Tell your insurance company the facts, nothing else. Do not say it “might” have been your fault. While it is you that pays the premium, they are not your friend! They want to spend as little as possible to maximize their profits. 

What Should I Do if the Other Party’s Insurer Contacts Me?

Let us do the talking for you. That way, they can’t trick you into making a compromising statement. All you need to say is, “My lawyer will be better able to help you,” and give them our number.

Should I take the First Offer the Insurance Company Sends Me?

No. As we have noted earlier, the insurance company will want to settle for the least amount possible. You may not even know yet how this accident could impact your life. Back injury settlements are complex and require experienced lawyers to come to an acceptable arrangement.

Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Minor Car Accident?

Even if you do not think you got hurt in a car accident, you may have injuries that do not display symptoms for some time. There are no minor car accidents. You should at least consult with an attorney regarding your rights.

How Do Auto Accident Settlements Work?

Any settlement, by definition, is a compromise between two parties that disagree with each other. In a car accident, it is a negotiation between you and the insurance company(s). Regarding an accident, the insurance company has a distinct advantage of experience over you—this is where we come in. As car collision lawyers, we have experience negotiating with insurance companies. We are far more likely to get you what you need.

Who Is at Fault in a Hit and Run Accident?

Even if the other driver flees the scene, this does not mean you will be unable to pursue an injury claim. There are avenues of recovery which an experienced car accident attorney can explore for you.

What Should I Do If I Get Into an Accident With an Uninsured Driver?

Even if the other driver does not have insurance, you will still need to involve law enforcement. If you have uninsured driver insurance, which most policies carry, you should be able to get your injuries compensated. Contacting us will give you a much better chance to get an adequate car accident settlement.

Will it take a long time to settle my case?

How long it takes to settle your case will depend on several things. How severe was the crash? Were bodily damages sustained? Was the at-fault driver insured? How long will you require medical treatment? The more up-front everyone is will also affect the length of time to settle any dispute.

Call us for a free consultation or visit one of our many locations around North and South Carolina to learn more about your options today.

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Principal Office:

649 Southport Rd, Roebuck, SC 29376

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 2229, Spartanburg, SC 29304

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Toll Free: 800-887-1965

Phone: 864-577-0977

Fax: 864-577-9661